Lotta "finallys" this week.
Anyway, when you run a big race, there is usually a race photographer who takes your picture as you head toward and/or cross the finish line.
A few days later you get an email with the proof, urging you to buy a poster-size print of the exact moment you looked like you were stroking out. Or, at least, what I usually look like. Exhibits A-K.
So when I got the email last week, I opened it with my usual low expectations, but what do you know, I kinda like this picture.
Even though I look like a dude thanks to the hat, I also look like I am actually running, not quickly shuffling, and that I know what I am doing.
Putting them side by side from last year's race, nice apple-to-apples glance. But, two things stand out the most:
1. I have apparently the exact same exhale face.
2. Look at the difference in my legs year over year. Thank you, bootcamp and running.
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