Sunday, March 18, 2012

In which I start my modeling career

A few weeks ago, I was asked to take part in a cool event at my Weight Watchers center: a fashion show.

A joint venture with Coldwater Creek, the afternoon would feature Weight Watchers members in various stages of their weight loss and how one can dress well regardless of where you're at in the process.

Before I went in to pick out an outfit, I had never stepped in a Coldwater Creek store. Frankly, I figured they wouldn't have anything in my size. Well, it turns out they do. In fact, they offer clothes up to Size 20.

I met Gail, the Coldwater employee who would be speaking at the event.

"What colors or styles don't you like?" she asked.

I told her I was open to pretty much anything: "You're the expert and I've never been very fashion-savvy. Pick something you think will look good."

Gail returned with an ankle-length reversible (hey there!) skirt, cardigan and shell. "Try these. I got you a Medium for the skirt. I think you may need a Small."

Oh, Gail, I love you.

The Medium fit just fine and I ended up with the outfit you see in the photos. I stepped out of the dressing room and Gail was very complimentary. She turned to an associate and said: "That skirt is perfect. She's tall and has no hips."

Seriously, Gail, run away with me.

The day of the event, Gail & Co. brought the outfits to the Center. We changed and then one by one she brought out "the talent" (I refused to answer to anything other than "the model" or "the talent"). She explained why she picked our outfits and how different cuts and styles flatter varying shapes and sizes.

After what was really a pretty interesting tutorial, each model (thankyou) got to share her story. I, of course, brought out my old pants - 3x LL Bean chinos. It's always a fun visual.

I gotta admit, I suffer from a bit of body dysmorphia. When I look at myself in pictures or in the mirror, I think I still look wider than I should at this stage of the game.

However, this picture - this picture - I really love it. It's probably one of the best pictures of me I've seen because it reflects how I think I should look: one long, straight, thin line.

And, bonus, my hair looks fabulous. And my head is angled justso, therefore my insanely weak chin (thanks, Dad) doesn't detract from my nonexistant profile.

I got a great compliment this weekend from another member. She was at the event and just made goal. As a gift to herself, she bought the outfit I wore: "I loved it. You looked amazing."

I certainly felt that way, that's for sure.

Below are my fellow models, Jami, Becca and Amy, whose husband took the great pictures. A big thank-you.


  1. Melissa, you really wore that outfit well! Gorgeous!

  2. congrats on your new side career. but for real, pulling off a WHITE (cream?) cardigan and looking slim means you are absolutely an 'after' all the way. I found your blog tonight and I love it- I'm just getting started and your journey is extremely motivating. thank you Melissa!
